i have sadness stories,happiness stories & of course love stories. see what i did on my post :)

Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

13 going 14 years ! yeaaah


tomorrow is my birthday!
I have 14 years in this world, much of what I learned, of course ..
during the 14 years I have enough experience. such as problems with family and friends, the problem of teenage romance and of course with a lot of problems demanding my school....
do you want to know about the little lessons that I have for 14 years?

1. Problems with family and friends

I know, sometimes family problems can be solved with the help of friends. like, tell the family problems with friends who I trust, then me and my friends find ways to solve them. I certainly find it helpful to my friend who can calm me and give solution to my problem.
And then I know also, problems with friends can be solved with the help of my family. like to tell my mother about my problems with my friend, then my mother would give me advice on how I should solve this problem. you need to know! "I never asked my mother to intervene on my problem! But I asked my mother about providing good advice to solve my problem"

2. problems with teenage romance!

FYI, all love stories have the end!
love story has two endings options, first is the happy endings, and the second is the sad endings!
all those who love someone to be ready if an when we lose someone we love!
loss also has two options, the first is 'we lose those we love by way of death', the second is the 'we lose someone we love because someone that leave us'
any choice of story endings, and any choice someone leaves us, we must be ready!

I already feel the loss of someone important in my life ...
but I think I just aged 13 years to 14 years!
how a teenager aged 13 to 14 years to say that someone is my true love. My life journey is still long enough!
However, I interweave a relationship with a man who I loved with pleasure!
My relationships with men to give me learning to be independent, to learn understanding, learning to learn honesty & loyalty, which in meaning is never misappropriated trust someone!

And, for Bagas (my beloved)
I want to say thank you for helping me to become independent, honest, sense of loyalty and of course to be a girl who can understanding
Love you: *

3. Problems at school

this word is the most I hate!
but i know, school is very important for my future!
at school, having problems opening the school itself. but the problem was with a friend or teacher.
to problems in the subject at school, it is because we ourselves are not trying. I often feel the problems with the subject at school, such is not understand Mathematics, can not memorize the lessons of religion and so forth. but if I try I can fix the problem on the subject at school. although I am often lazy to try. lol: P

woah , see you on the next post
and don't forget to pray for me and of course don't forget to say 'happy birthday' for me tomorrow: D



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