i have sadness stories,happiness stories & of course love stories. see what i did on my post :)

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

mr " teddy "

aku punya boneka baru loooooooch, whoo.
namanyaa mr teddy , aku beli di cindy :)

this doll same like mr bean doll,

whooo, seruuu tau maininnya, sebenernya aku udah lama suka sm boneka ini tapi belum sempet ketemu.hehe beruntung tiba - tiba ketemu di cindy :p 

take some picture w/ mr teddy :)

oh yaa, masalah lomooo :(


kata mama , mau lomo atau SLR. aku bilang lomoo aja, abis uni kan punya SLR jadi bisa minjem kalo emg mau make.
and , this is it.

wish me lucky to get this lomooo,



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